Helpful conflict phrases; Leadership SLAs; STAR answers; Communicating impact; Successful big consortia
Plus: Performance Improvement Plans; Manage Your Career Growth; Strategy Should be Meaningful and Ongoing
Denominators matter; Men are worse allies then we think; Good software managers; Private techincal interviews; Standups should grow collaboration; When feedback hurts; Effective pair programming
Plus: Setting direction; introverted leaders; Software processes and variants
Plus: Critical thinking at work; Just say no; Disagreeing with powerful stakeholders
Plus: Long- and short-lived Group dynamics; The leaders journal
Plus: Quality is systemic; You own your communication bubble; Get good feedback from peers
Plus: Becoming more strategic; Give more better feedback
Plus: Making your work clear to yourself is the first step in making it visible to others
Plus: Lego give-away matrix; Delivering bad news; Specialize without silos: not a small-team thing