- Manager, Ph.D.
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- #139 - Don't Use Process To Avoid Talking About Expectations
#139 - Don't Use Process To Avoid Talking About Expectations
Plus: Coaching questions practice; Manager career leveling
I was part of a discussion recently about a disengaged team member, and the topic of process vs expectations came up.
I write and talk a lot about expectations and processes. I’m a big believer in both! I think they should both be documented, discussed, and violation of either should result in some discussion.
But they’re not the same, and they’re not substitutes.

I think we’ve all worked in (or heard about) places where there was some restrictive process in place, because “one time, this guy Frank - you weren’t here, you wouldn’t know him - well, he…” did something. This kind of process reaction to an expectation violation is stifling, and it gives process a bad name, because everyone knows it’s a cop-out. The unsuitability of this approach came up in the discussion, and everyone knew the failure mode being described, because it’s common enough to be a trope.
If someone violates some kind of expectation, the solution is almost always discussions with that person, and to work with them to ensure that one way or another the expectation is met in the future. It isn’t to impose a new process on everyone. The process approach is almost always an avoidance maneuver, an attempt at technical solution to a people problem. Talking with people about missed expectations is hard, takes time, and doesn’t scale. And it’s the right solution.
There are times when some bad outcome genuinely does highlight some systemic issue, where some kind of change is needed, and not just a discussion. Changes may need to be made to how work is done, or in the supports and resources available. Certainly if a particular expectation keeps being violated by different people, there’s some deeper issue that needs investigation. Some new or changed process might end up being needed here.
But processes describe how something’s done; expectations describe the outcomes activities should have. Process describes the path, expectations are the boundary conditions. Nailing down the path that must be taken when what really matters are the boundary conditions being met is overly prescriptive, takes autonomy away from team members, removes room for creative solutions, and saps motivation.
It’s good and kind and respectful to have and describe high expectations for how your team members operate, and for teams to have high and explicit expectations of how they work together. We all have expectations, and it’s not kind or respectful to let people constantly fail to meet those expectations without letting them know. If you were unknowingly failing to meet your boss’s expectations on something for months, you’d be mortified to hear that they felt that way and couldn’t be bothered to tell you.
Shared, stated, explicit expectations are how you and team members can be confident they’re doing a good job, and how a culture of trust and collaboration can form within the team. They are how team members know that they can rely on each other. They are the measuring sticks by which we all can measure performance, and growth. We’re all motivated people in this line of work; we want to set high bars for ourselves both technically and as team members, and to clear the bar, and then raise it another notch higher. And on occasions we miss, we want to know it so we can do better next time.
Processes, at their best, are time- and cognitive energy-saving devices. They are a shared way of doing things so that people don’t have to invent their own way to perform common work. They are a known-good set of steps so that routine stuff can get done, and others know what to expect, so that everyone’s mental efforts can be spent focussed on where creativity is valuable.
They can and should work together. There may be a process in place for (say) rotating the running of standup meetings, so that when it’s someone’s turn they know what to do and everyone knows what to expect at stand-up. On top of that there should be expectations around treating each other respectfully during the meeting. There may be processes for submitting code for review before pushing to main, and expectations about acceptable turn-around times and code (and review) quality. There may be SOPs for a project kickoff for a client, and expectations around how discussions are handled at the kickoff meeting.
One way or another, processes shape how we interact with tasks, while expectations shape how we interact with people.
In the case of a disengaged team member who wasn’t getting work done in a timely manner, the solution almost certainly isn’t to create process guardrails. There’s clearly an expectation, and the team member isn’t meeting it. If nothing’s being done for the violation of expectations, would we really expect anything to be done for violations of the process? Do they know they’re not meeting the expectation? Do other team members share the expectation? Is the violation an expectation an issue of willingness, confidence, knowledge, or skill? Is it a temporary thing, or has it been ongoing?
The solution to the disengaged team member isn’t an easy or simple one, and it doesn’t involve sketching out a flowchart. It requires developing a strong professional line of communication with the team member, which means one-on-ones if they’re not in place; after that’s established (which will take weeks), it will require feedback and coaching.
The most likely outcome is that over some time the team member improves their performance, because people genuinely do want to meet their team’s expectations.
But the feedback may escalate without improvement, and the team member may end up leaving. That uncertainty, and (justified!) fear of the bad outcome, leads us too often to shy away from this approach.
But it’s not kind to let a team member struggle with work they don’t want to do, and it’s not kind to watch other team members have to do extra work and grow resentful as nothing is done. It’s certainly not kind to impose some kind of process on everyone because someone isn’t meeting expectations.
We don’t have an easy job, but it’s important. Like us, our team member deserve to know when they’re doing well, and they deserve to know when they’re not. They deserve team members they can rely on, and they deserve to hold each other accountable. That’s how we grow professionally, and it’s how our teams grow in impact.
And with that, on to the roundup!
Managing Teams
Six Creative Ways To Use Coaching Questions - Lara Hogan
We’re all experts of one form or another, and it’s hard sometimes not just to blurt out an answer, recommendation, or advice when our team members hare having a problem. There’s nothing wrong with doing that when it’s warranted, but in the long term it’s better for both you and the team member if most of the time they’re coming up with their own answers.
Hogan points us to her (PDF) list of open questions, and some suggestions for getting into the habit of using them:
Delivering one at the tail end of giving effective feedback (question, [situation], behaviour, impact, question)
Redirect the instinct to give advice into a brainstorming session focussed on one of the questions
Kick off your part of a one-on-one with one
The list of open questions isn’t crucial here - the key is to practice staying in coaching mode by asking open questions. If you do, the team member may come to a good answer themselves. Or, you may find areas where the team member does need some support to be able to tackle the problems themselves; areas where there are gaps in willingness, confidence, knowledge, or skills. Addressing those gaps will be more productive and a longer-term solution than providing answers as required.
Removing uncertainty: the tip of the iceberg - James Stanier
On and off I’ve discussed the importance of managers in reducing uncertainty about processes, people, and products (e.g., #26), but the same is true in our role as technical leaders.
Stainer writes in the context of product development, but the principle is very much applicable to our work: make sure that you’re investing up front in reducing uncertainty as well as making forward progress:
You reduce uncertainty by doing: prototyping, designing, writing code, and shipping. Each of these actions serve to reduce the uncertainty about what is left to build.
We’re people of science, and we know all about testing hypotheses. That’s the approach here - test some hypotheses, reduce the amount of uncertainty about the path forward, make forward progress, then test hypotheses again.
Stanier gives some advice about how to do this when there’s multiple streams to the work (define contracts up front) and mocking as much as possible. Some of the specific examples won’t be relevant if you’re not building web applications, but the basic guidance is good - invest effort in reducing uncertainty.
Managing Your Own Career
As the year winds down, many of us naturally start to do some retrospection — how did things go, how did we do, what should we personally work on next for our development.
Sadly, almost none of us get useful feedback or guidance about this from our own managers/directors. (One of my goals for this newsletter is to support and encourage managers and leads who want to treat their work with professionalism. The hope is that some of you will then choose to go onto more senior leadership positions, and do better for the next generation of managers and leads. Our teams’ work is too important for the status quo to continue).
But, as ever, we can learn from managers and leads elsewhere. This engineering management career ladder from Dropbox, and this one from Stripe (PDF - managerial roles start at level 5), are useful starting places. Some of the evaluation criteria might not be meaningful for your roles. But even deciding in a principled way which ones are and which ones aren’t priorities for you is a useful exercise.
Of the ones that do seem meaningful, how do you feel like you’re doing? What are areas where some modest improvement might have the biggest impact - for the team, or for you personally? (Yes, it’s ok for us to think about ourselves as well as our teams).
Are there areas you’d particularly like to grow in, or hear more about, in the coming year? As always, don’t hesitate to hit reply to send an email just to me, or to email me directly at [email protected].
There was a lot of AI model news in the past week or two - Stable Diffusion v2 is out, and Midjourney v4 and the latest version of GPT-3 are available. If you haven’t tried them I’d urge you to give them a go: ChatGPT or the Midjourney Discord Beta make it extremely easy. This article has an argument I find compelling why these tools are going to be useful in creative work (including science) in a way they’ve struggled to have an impact in, say, robotics or self-driving cars. Failure-is-ok attempts in workflows where there’s a human in the loop is going to go much better for creative work than in heavy machinery.
Maybe related - “Hey, GitHub” makes GitHub Copilot available via voice for improved accessibility.
That’s it…
And that’s it for another week. Let me know what you thought, or if you have anything you’d like to share about the newsletter or management. Just email me or reply to this newsletter if you get it in your inbox.
Have a great weekend, and good luck in the coming week with your team,