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Plus: Feedback is for behaviour change, not self-expression; trust lets you see reality; change is risky, and makes things worse before improving them; writing usefully
Plus: Setting direction; introverted leaders; Software processes and variants
Plus: Long- and short-lived Group dynamics; The leaders journal
Plus: Team member career conversations; PR pushback by race/gender; Working with your manager; Writing up incidents and non-incidents
Plus: The resilience of mixed-seniority teams; Gaining mentors; Product manager skills; Postmortems from scratch
Plus: Thoughts on management; Defining meaningful key results
Plus: Giving the right amount of context; Effective feedback nudges behaviour; We need respectful disagreement; Project management mistakes; Proposing action Debugging management
Plus: Praise-to-criticism ratio (should be high!); Emotional signposting; How to announce team departures; The goal of a strategy is to change a team's behaviour; Getting and maintaining buy-in
Plus: Giving feedback; Coaching skills at work; The infinite hows; First, understand; and Stop people pleasing.
Plus: Coaching the team member towards deciding; unlocking team performance; Decision transparency for stakeholders; Paying attention to the next larger context; Working in your best environment.
Plus: Ladder of leadership; Hidden opportunity in feedback; Good directive work phrases; Announcing departures; Get it done; Managing and communicating up tips; Introverts can be the best networkers
Plus: Getting good with AI to improve human communication skills; agile personal development plans; Low morale? Try improving safety; Should you take on a turnaround? And what if you're the problem?