Microsoft's newly remote workforce data; Managing for neurodiversity; Vacuum up chaos; Ask for advice; Trello for personal tasks.
Tell job candidates what to expect; Managing an exhausted teams; 1:1s for engaged team members; Improving your written communication; Better slack defaults
Active listening for managers; Why is not a great question; You manage individuals, not generations; Inclusiveness in language
Making space for disagreement; Avoid burnout and start saying "No"; Agile vs Waterfall and Risk Management
New manager training; Being glue; Inclusive leadership; Hearing your team's best ideas; Managing up from home
The Role Canvas; Anti-racism in tech; Effective emails
Architecture jams and proposals; anti-racist management processes
Plus: Steps for leaders to take in emergencies; Product support in times of stress; Different one on one conversations;
Planning for hybrid; Building great teams; Bursty team member communication maximizes productivity; Remote brainstorming; Hard technical discussions
Google manager training; Goal setting; Time management when everything's a priority
Engineering Manager Event Loop; Change takes sustained effort; Expanding conflict capacity in stressful times
Getting your team to challenge your ideas; Remote meetings that make a difference; Being present in Zoom meetings; Growth