Plus: Why candour is hard; Hybrid work and its challenges
Plus: Hard conversations mean caring; Delegation; Manage your top performers; Team feedback; The problem is more interesting than the solution; Secure resources by talking to people; Learn to say no
Plus: Asynchronous Work Report; Minimum Viable Process; Work For Yourself First; Read the Room
Plus: Recognizing and rewarding team members; Hiring playbook; Dealing with know-it-all peers; Why do they ignore my amazing documentation
Plus: The art of delegation; being a thermostat not a thermometer; steps to strategy; being more collaborative when you just want to do all the deciding yourself
Plus: 1:1 questions for underperforming team members; team expectations should be tradeoffs; the problem might not be with our team, it might be us; better LinkedIn profiles
Plus: Bing for Practicing Feedback; Don't leave hard conversations too long
Plus: The limits of quantitative metrics; "Nicer" feedback holds women back; Usefully uncomfortable 1:1s; Bringing the band back together; If you really want to send that email, don't send it yet.
Plus: Selling our jobs in closing calls; we can't make people change their behaviours; encouraging healthy disagreement; your interview answer database; sounding less negative
Plus: Accountability with compassion; Coaching teams as a whole; Async is more inclusive; Retrospective antipatterns; Becoming a lead-of-leads
Plus: Doing more with less; Aligning strategies; Project retrospectives; Building a relationship with your boss; Your leave document; Behavioural interviews